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Version No. Update content Suggestions for updates Update date
1.8.6 1.GTCaptcha4Session adds adjustWindowLevel: api to adjust the window level
2. Internal optimizations
Recommended update July 11, 2024 1. Internal optimizations Recommended update March 13,2024 1. Handle Json parse error
2. Fixed the mismatch between the verification code interface style and the status bar style
3. Internal optimizations
4. Added PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy privacy manifest file
Recommended update December 28,2023
1.8.3 1. Internal optimizations It is strongly recommended to update August 25, 2023
1.8.2 1. Optimize msg field of GTC4Error, splicing code attribute
2. Restored use of apiServer and staticServer properties in GTCaptcha4SessionConfiguration
Recommended update April 21, 2023
1.8.1 1. Internal optimizations
2. Update resource files
It is strongly recommended to update February 10, 2023
1.8.0 1. Support setting the status bar style
2. Support setting the orientation of the verification code window
3. Update resource files
Recommended update September 23, 2022
1.7.6 1. Adapting the archiving method on higher versions
2. Update resource files
3. Fix the white border problem of custom loading
4. Other optimizations
Recommended update August 4, 2022
1.7.5 1. Add a detailed description to the “Invalid parameter” error
2. “resourcePath” supported local file paths
3. Solve the problem that the verification interface does not pop up in some cases of iOS 9 and below systems
4. “backgroundColor” supported grayscale color space
5. Repair backgroundUserInteractionEnable
6. Other optimizations
It is strongly recommended to update June 10, 2022
1.7.2 1. Resolve the issue of UIScene
2. Reduce the file size of framework
3. Remove the check for gt4-laoding.gif
4. Update the resource bundle
5. Other optimizations
It is strongly recommended to update March 16, 2022
1.7.1 1. Add english annotation
2. Update resource
Recommended update February 18, 2022
1.7.0 1. Optimize internal logic
2. Localizaiton issuse fixed
It is strongly recommended to update January 19, 2022
1.6.1 1. Optimize internal logic Recommended update December 24, 2021
1.6.0 1. Optimize internal logic
2. Memory leak issue fixed
It is strongly recommended to update November 10, 2021 1. Fix known problems It is strongly recommended to update September 13, 2021
1.5.4 1. Dark mode adaptation 2. Provide link information when error occur It is strongly recommended to update August 24, 2021
1.5.2 1. Optimize internal logic 2. Optimize code annotation 3. Update resource files It is strongly recommended to update July 27, 2021
1.5.1 1. Optimize internal logic 2. Update resource files Recommended update July 7, 2021
1.5.0 1. Support local failback It is strongly recommended to update June 28, 2021
1.4.4 1. Optimize the details of parameter transmission 2. Update resource files Recommended update June 10, 2021
1.4.2 1. Optimize the configuration interface 2. Update the resource file name Recommended update April 5, 2021
1.4.0 1. Support full screen 2. Add language localization 3. Uniform error code Recommended update March 29, 2021
1.3.0 - - -
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