> >

This page shows the error code and description for your reference. it will display the Server, iOS, Android, and Web respectively.


Error Code Description
50000 Run-time error
50001 Input invalid risk_type parameters in Direct Platform Integration Mode
50002 Error in parameter decryption caused by unauthorized encryption
50003 Repeated verification
50004 XSS exception
50101 No captcha ID
50102 Invalid captcha ID
50103 No captcha ID information
50104 Deleted captcha ID
50105 Paused captcha ID
50301 No serial number information or cache invalidation
50302 No serial number
50303 Invalid serial number
50304 Unmatched serial number
50305 Expired serial number
50306 Invalid process_token
50307 Invalid payload parameters
50308 Expired payload


Error Code Error Name Description
-20000 GTC4ErrorCodeInvalidParameter Invalid parameter. Please check the parameters you entered.
-20001 GTC4ErrorCodeOperationFail Operation failed. Check the description in detail.
-20002 GTC4ErrorCodeMissedResource Lack of resources. Please check if the bundle file is complete or if the resource file is deleted at the time of creation.
-20100 GTC4ErrorCodeUserDidCancel Verification is canceled by the user.
-20200 GTC4ErrorCodeLoadFileFailure Local file loading failed. Please check if the bundle file is complete and imported into the project. In addition, check whether the resource file is deleted and renamed at the time of creation.
-20201 GTC4ErrorCodeTimeout Load timeout.
-20210 GTC4ErrorCodeEvaluatingJavascriptFail Evaluating javascript script fail.
-20211 GTC4ErrorCodeJavascriptError Javascript returns an error.
-20290 GTC4ErrorCodeWebViewMemoryWarning WebView memory warning.
-20999 GTC4ErrorCodeUnknown Unknown error


Error Code Error Description Error Details
-10170 Illegal parameter Response is called back to null
-10171 Illegal parameter Context object is null
-10172 Illegal parameter Context instance must be Activity type
-10174 Illegal parameter appId not configured
-13099 Unsupported WebView Component The current device’s new WebView object reports an error
-13175 Illegal parameter H5 Static address configuration error
-13201 Network error ERROR_UNKNOWN general error
-13202 Network error ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE address unreachable
-13203 Network error ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_AUTH_SCHEME unsupported authentication scheme
-13204 Network error ERROR_AUTHENTICATION user authentication failed
-13205 Network error ERROR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION proxy user authentication failed
-13206 Network error ERROR_CONNECT no connection to server
-13207 Network error ERROR_IO failed to read/write server
-13208 Network error ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT connection timeout
-13209 Network error ERROR_REDIRECT_LOOP too many redirects
-13210 Network error ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME Unsupported URI scheme
-13211 Network error ERROR_FAILED_SSL_HANDSHAKE SSL handshake failed
-13212 Network error ERROR_BAD_URL URL format error
-13213 Network error ERROR_FILE common file error
-13214 Network error ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND file not found
-13215 Network error ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS too many requests
-13216 Network error ERROR_UNSAFE_RESOURCE resource loading is canceled
-13220 Network error WebView loading error, current version is older than 4.4w No detailed error code
-13221 Network error WebView Load Error, current version is 5.0 or 5.1 No detailed error code
-13300 Certificate error SSL_NOTYETVALID certificate is invalid
-13301 Certificate error SSL_EXPIRED certificate has expired
-13302 Certificate error SSL_IDMISMATCH certificate does not match HOST
-13303 Certificate error SSL_UNTRUSTED certificate is not issued by a trusted certificate authority
-13304 Certificate error SSL_DATE_INVALID certificate date is invalid
-13305 Certificate error SSL_INVALID general certificate error
-13580 There is a little trouble loading H5 callback data is null
-13581 There is a little trouble loading H5 callback data parsing error report
-13582 There is a little trouble loading H5 callback data default key
-14460 Captcha session is canceled The verification process is canceled by the user.


Error Code Description
60001 Invalid captcha_id: Please check the configuration parameter captcha_id which was passed in during initialization (corresponding to the ID at the time of application)
60002 Incorrect parameter passed to appendTo interface, only id selector and DOM element are accepted
60100 /load request error: 1. Please check your network connection; 2. Check the configuration parameters captchaId is passed in during initialization
60101 /Verify request error: 1. Please check your network connection; 2. Please contact the customer service of GeeTest website
60200 Skin loading failed: 1. Please check your network connection; 2. Please contact the customer service of GeeTest website
60201 Language pack loading failed: 1. Please check your network connection; 2. Please contact the customer service of GeeTest website
60202 Captcha picture loading failed: 1. Please check your network connection; 2. Please contact the customer service of GeeTest website
60204 (gacptcha4) JS resource loading timeout: 1. Please check your network connection; 2. Please contact the customer service of GeeTest website
60205 (gct) JS resource loading timeout: 1. Please check your network connection; 2. Please contact the customer service of GeeTest website
60500 Server forbidden: Please contact the customer service of GeeTest website
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