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Error Code Error Name Description
-20000 GTC4ErrorCodeInvalidParameter Invalid parameter. Please check the parameters you entered.
-20001 GTC4ErrorCodeOperationFail Operation failed. Check the description in detail.
-20002 GTC4ErrorCodeMissedResource Lack of resources. Please check if the bundle file is complete or if the resource file is deleted at the time of creation.
-20100 GTC4ErrorCodeUserDidCancel Verification is canceled by the user.
-20200 GTC4ErrorCodeLoadFileFailure Local file loading failed. Please check if the bundle file is complete and imported into the project. In addition, check whether the resource file is deleted and renamed at the time of creation.
-20201 GTC4ErrorCodeTimeout Load timeout.
-20210 GTC4ErrorCodeEvaluatingJavascriptFail Evaluating javascript script fail.
-20211 GTC4ErrorCodeJavascriptError Javascript returns an error.
-20290 GTC4ErrorCodeWebViewMemoryWarning WebView memory warning.
-20999 GTC4ErrorCodeUnknown Unknown error
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