> >


Configuration parameters

The following are optional configuration parameters:

Parameters Type Description Default Value Optional Value
language String Set the language for captcha interface zh zh, en
styleConfig Object Custom Component Styles / color, btnWidth, btnHeight
product String Define product form popup popup, bind


Multiple languages is supported, and corresponding text will be displayed when the following parameters are passed to the component. If no parameters are uploaded, the default is Chinese.

  • zh (Chinese, default)
  • en (English)

Code sample:

//Insert configuration on template, omit other required parameters
<captcha4 language="zh"/>


Provide a custom style with the following three attributes:

  1. Color: the color of the clicked button in the custom component (optional color can only be passed in full HEX with 6 bits, and the background color on the button is 60% of the opacity of the color value passed in)

  2. btnWidth: the width of the custom verification plug-in (optional parameter btnWidth passes in the allowed css length, with units required)

  3. btnHeight: the height of the custom verification plug-in (optional parameter btnHeight passes in allowed css length, with units required)

Code sample:


<captcha4 styleConfig="{{styleConfig}}"/>

// js
data: {
styleConfig: {
color: '#2488FF',//must be full 6 bits
btnWidth: '210px'// minwidth: 210px, maxwidth:320px
btnHeight: '40px',


Support bind button-free mode, and the default value of this parameter is popup mode. Optional parameters:

  1. popup: classic mode with button

  2. bind: button-free mode. The user needs to call the Verify method to evoke the captcha interface.

Parameters inserted in the template are bind and verify. Other parameters are omitted here. Please refer to bind mode demo for details.

Code sample:

// wxml
<captcha4 product="bind" captchaId="{{captchaId}}" verify="{{verify}}"/>

// js
btnSubmit: function () {
//After the user clicks the submit button, the business logic is processed
console.log("User name validation completed,Turn the captcha on");

//After the business logic verification is completed, evoke the captcha interface

verify: function () {
//If a modern framework is used, the setting may be invalid because of diff. You can replace true with the random number Date.now ()
verify: true

MiniProgram API Method


Listen if the DOM element which contains the captcha button is ready.

Code sample:

// wxml
<captcha4 bindReady="captchaReady"/>



The onError callback will be triggered whenever there are errors (refer to ErrorCode) that can be caught by captcha, such as listening to the verification error event, excessive refresh, failed loading of static resources, and poor network.

Error returns an e, where e.detail contains two attributes: code (error code) and tips (error prompt). In Error, we need to do a special reset for challenge expiration, as shown below

Code sample:

// wxml
<captcha4 bindError="captchaError"/>

captchaError: function (e) {
console.log('captcha-Error!', e.detail)

// Here is a monitor for the return of challenge 9 minutes expiration mechanism. If the server returns code: 21, tips: not proof, api1 is called again for reset
if (e.detail.code === 21) {
var that = this
// The plug-in needs to be destroyed
that.setData({ loadCaptcha: false })

//Recall api 1


Listens for the verification success event and returns a result object. The detail in the result contains four attributes: lot_number, pass_token, captcha_output, gen_time. These parameters are the evidence of the current verification success,

Passing those to secondary verification is required.

Code sample:

// wxml
<captcha4 bindSuccess="captchaSuccess"/>


//The parameters in result are saved and passed in for secondary verification
result: result.detail


This callback is triggered when the user turns off the pop-up verification.

Code sample:

// wxml
<captcha4 bindClose="captchaClose"/>



Reset captcha. It is used when the user’s background detects that the captcha is successful yet other information is incorrect (such as the username and password are incorrect), or the error occurs with the captcha.

Code sample:

// wxml
<captcha4 toReset = "{{toReset}}"/>

//btnReset method user defined
//If a modern framework is used, the setting may be invalid because of diff. You can replace true with the random number Date.now ()

toReset: true
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