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Overview and Resources

The behavior verification HarmonyOS Next SDK is provided for developers integrating the HarmonyOS Next native client.

Environmental Requirements

Item Resource
Development Target HarmonyOS Next
Development Environment DevEco Studio
Compilation Version api 12
SDK Third-Party Dependencies None
Package Increment Verification SDK: 110K
Item Resource Address
Product structure process Communication process, interaction process
Error Code List Error Code List
SDK resource bundle Contact technical support to obtain it, or you can directly install it from the DevEco Studio SDK marketplace (entry: top menu bar Tools - Partner SDK - Search - 极验行为式验证码4.0)。

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Integrating SDK

Manual Download Integration

Download the .zip file from the SDK resource package link to get the latest sdk.

Import SDK

Drag the .har file (including geetest_captcha_harmonyos_vx.y.z_date.har) from the zip package into the libs folder in your project. After dragging the .har file into the libs folder, check if the .har has been added to Library. Add the following code to oh-package.json5 in your project:

"dependencies": {
"captchaSdk": "file:./libs/geetest_captcha_harmonyos_vx.y.z_date.har"

Adding Permissions

"requestPermissions": [
"name": "ohos.permission.INTERNET",
"usedScene": {
"abilities": [

Obfuscation Rules

The GeeTest SDK has been obfuscated. When integrating, please include the obfuscation rules and do not obfuscate the SDK again.

Configuring Interfaces

Call Logic

  1. Configure Initialization
  2. Start Verification
  3. Get Verification Callback
  4. Destroy Resources

As shown in the product workflow process, you need to set up Server interface in your backend first,
and configure it with captchaId and Key
you got from GeeTest dashbaord.


The SDK initialization configuration can be done in the onCreate or onCreateView methods.

Method Description

public static getClient(context: UIContext): GTCaptcha4Client;
public init(captchaId: string, config?: GTCaptcha4Config): GTCaptcha4Client;

Parameter Description

Parameter Type Description
context UIContext The context object must be an entry page instance
captchaId string APP_ID, required parameter
config GTCaptcha4Config Configuration object, not required

Start Verification

Start the verification process.

Method Description

public void verifyWithCaptcha();

Cancel Verification

Cancel the verification process and close the verification window.

Method Description

public void cancel();

Enable/Disable Log Monitoring

Set to enable or disable log monitoring.

Method Description

public void setLogEnable(enable: boolean);

Get Verification Callback

public GTCaptcha4Client addOnSuccessListener(OnSuccessListener listener);
public GTCaptcha4Client addOnFailureListener(OnFailureListener listener);
public GTCaptcha4Client addOnWebViewShowListener(OnWebViewShowListener listener);

Code Example

async onSuccess(status: boolean, response: string) {
// TODO Start secondary verification
}else {
// TODO User answer verification failed
onFailure: function (error: string) {
console.log('onFailure' + error);
onWebViewShow: function () {
Normal Loading Code Example
onClick(() => {
gtCaptcha4Config: GTCaptcha4Config = new GTCaptcha4Config()
.setIsDebug(false) // TODO Disable in production
gtCaptcha4Client: GTCaptcha4Client = GTCaptcha4Client.getClient()
.init("your captcha_id", config)
async onSuccess(status: boolean, response: string) {
AlertDialog.show({ message: response })
// TODO Start secondary verification
}else {
// TODO User answer verification failed
onFailure: function (error: string) {
console.log('onFailure' + error);
onWebViewShow: function () {

Refer to the official demo for detailed example code

Parameter Configuration

Configure parameters using the GTCaptcha4Config.Builder class.

Definition Description
setParams Additional parameters passed to the front-end js
setIsDebug Debug mode, default false, set to false in production
setLanguage Specify language, default follows app language
setIsCanceledOnTouchOutside Disappear when clicking outside, default true
setTimeOut Set timeout in ms, default 10000
setResourcePath Set intermediate address, default loads GeeTest public html file
setBackgroundColor Set background color, default transparent
setDialogStyle Set dialog theme style, default gt4_captcha_dialog_style

Parameters can be configured using the setParams interface, see the interface documentation for details.

The setParams interface can only receive basic data types, strings, and JSONArray data.

Handling Errors

Unexpected errors may occur during verification. You can handle them by implementing the addOnFailureListener interface and handling them in the following callback method:

Note: The error callback includes user-initiated verification cancellations, which can be filtered separately.

onFailure: function (error: string) {
// Example error content
// {"code":"-14460","msg":"Verification session has been canceled","desc":{"description":"User cancelled 'Captcha'"}}
// You can parse the error as JSON and replace the error description while keeping the error code

It is strongly recommended to present both an error message and error code to the end user. This will facilitate subsequent troubleshooting.

Please refer to the following list for possible error codes: Error Code List

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