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Error code of GeeTest CAPTCHA

ErrorCode Description
error_100 Error in the value that passed to appendTo. It only accept id selector and DOM
error_101 Error in the value that passed to bindOn. It only accept id selector and DOM
error_102 Error in the value that passed to callback, please pass the function category.
error_103 The configuration parameter gt is incorrect. Please check gt that was passed during CAPTCHA initialization (The gt is the CAPTCHA ID in the dashboard)
error_104 Error occurs when request for get.php. Please check the network. If it doesn’t work, please check the gt and challenge passed during CAPTCHA initialization.
error_105 Error occurs when request for ajax.php. Please check the network.
error_106 Error in the “refresh.php” request: 1. Please double check your network environment 2. The captcha popup has a refresh limit (up to 6 times). If exceeded, please refresh the page.
error_107 Fail to load the css file. Please check the network
error_108 Fail to load the CAPTCHA challenge image. Please check the network
error_109 Error occurs when request for reset.php. Please check the network
error_110 The js address for the captcha does not exist
error_111 The js address for the captcha can not be loaded
error_112 Error occurs with area. Only accept id selector and DOM
error_113 Forbidden from server side, please contact Geetest account manager
error_114 The “gt” or “challenge” parameter is missing in initGeetest, please double check the initialization parameters
error_115 Voice file loading failed: 1.Please double check your network environment 2.Please contact Geetest account manager
error_116 Callback function executed abnormally, please double check the callback function in the API method
error_117 Undefined error type
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