> >


Based on Python flask framework.

Demo development environment

Item Description
OS Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
python version 3.5.2
flask version 1.1.2
redis version 3.0.6


Item Description
Data communication flow chart Data communication flow chart
Download SDK gt3-server-python-flask-bypass


Download DEMO

git clone https://github.com/GeeTeam/gt3-server-python-flask-bypass.git

Configure key pairs

Get public key(ID) and private key(KEY) from GeeTest Dashboard.Then configure the key pair in the following configuration file:


Run demo

cd gt3-server-python-flask-sdk
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo python3 app.py

Visit http://localhost:5000 to view the demo.

Key file reference

Name Description Directory
GeetestController.cs Handle service initialization and secondary verification process Controllers/
GeetestConfig.cs Parameters configuration Controllers/
GeetestLib.cs Contains the core logic Controllers/Sdk/
GeetestLibResult.cs Encapsulated class providing access to the data Controllers/Sdk/
index.html Index page of the demo wwwroot/
gt.js JavaScript file loaded locally wwwroot/
launchSettings.json The file setting IP, port, etc. Propertie/
Startup.cs Configure router, middleware, etc.

app.py|Start the project and handle service initialization and secondary verification process|
geetest_config.py|Parameters configuration|
geetest_lib.py|Contains the core logic|sdk/
geetest_lib_result.py|Encapsulated class providing access to the data|sdk/
index.html|Index page of the demo|static/
gt.js|JavaScript file loaded locally|static/
requirements.txt|Dependency managment file|


GeeTest Status Monitoring API

Client/SDK Server Communication API Reference

SDK/GeeTest Server Communication API Reference

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