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API Request Domain


Authentication Method

The server query interface requires signature verification using the HMAC-SHA256 signing algorithm. The KEY used by HMAC is the PRIVATE_KEY defined by APP_ID, which needs to be created and obtained on the dashboard.

The message for signing consists of the APP_ID and timestamp.

sign_token = hmac(key=private_key, msg=app_id+gen_time, digestmod='SHA256').hexdigest()

Fingerprint Query API

POST /dfp/api/v1/fp_query

The “BODY” request parameter

Format: JSON

Parameter Name Required Type Description
app_id Yes String It is obtained by applying for an application on GeeTest’s dashboard
gen_time Yes integer Timestamp used for signature, accurate to seconds
gee_token Yes String Data collected by the client SDK, valid for 10 munites
scene No String “The current query scene
1. login
2. sign_up
3. activity
Default value is “activity”
sign_token Yes String Data signature, see Authentication Method for signature method
attr No Object Used for submitting account data

attr Parameter Explaination

Name Required Type Description
user_ip No String User IP address, supports both ipv4 and ipv6 formats
user_id No String User’s account ID

Sample Parameters

"app_id": "Your app_id",
"sign_token": "signature result",
"gen_time": 1657165827,

Return parameters

Name Type Description
status String The status of the returned result
code Integer Status code of the retured result. 0 means success
data Object See below for the description of the data parameter

Description of data parameters

Name Type Description
local_id String Locally persisted fingerprint on device
root_id String Fingerprints generated by device fingerprinting server
env_check Object Risk detection item results. If the key is true, it indicates that the rule has been triggered. Otherwise, it means no match.
risk_code Array(Integer) Detailed Explanation of Risk Detection Items
ts Integer Timestamp of server
client_ts Integer Timestamp generated by the client-side data.

Description of env_check parameters

Name Type Client Type Description
is_simulator Boolean Android, iOS, Web Whether it is an emulator
is_debug Boolean Android, iOS, Web, MiniApp Whether it is in debugging mode
is_hook Boolean Android, iOS, Web Whether it has been tampered
is_risk_app Boolean Android, iOS Whether it has risky applications installed
is_proxy Boolean Android, iOS, MiniApp Whether it is rooted device
is_multi_open Boolean Android, iOS Whether to support the usage of multiple instances of the application
is_vpn Boolean Android, iOS Whether the VPN is enabled
is_root Boolean Android Whether it is rooted device
is_jailbreak Boolean iOS Whether it is a jailbroken device
is_blacklist_device Boolean Android, iOS Whether it is a blacklisted device
is_incognito Boolean Web Whether it is in incognito mode

Sample Parameters

"status": "success",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"local_id": "247A8CCF15054743B781759621570060",
"env_check": {
"is_debug": true,
"is_simulator": false,
"is_risk_app": true,
"is_hook": false,
"is_jailbreak": false,
"is_proxy": true,
"is_multi_open": false,
"is_blacklist_device": false
"root_id": "GEE4-01-6d1bd4541d5b9f679cda9086bb3dffaf1f42992917f23f11a63da390ebff6014",
"sign": "8e9916c5340c43fa003fe2dd54cd4e3027affbfc0d631e4cd858f64ec09fa9ed",
"ts": 1704958660211,
"client_ts": 1704958649275,
"risk_code": [
"ip_type": 1

Description of risk_code

Client-side risk code Risk code Description Scenario Risk Description Client Type
10001 Detected package tampering or repackaging Some malicious actors may tamper with application packages to add advertisments or modify business logic, then repacakage and release them. Android, iOS, Web
10002 GeeToken expired or reused, GeeToken valid for 10 minutes Illicit actors may cache and accumulate tokens, exploiting them in large-scale requests to business API with a short period at the onset of an activity. Android, iOS, Web
20100 Detected Traditional Emulator Risk The black market exploits traditional emulators to carry out large-scale illicit operations, such as mass registration, bulk login attacks, and other activities. Android, iOS, Web
20101 Detected ARM Emulator (or cloud-based mobile devices) risk Malicious actors exploit ARM emulators (or cloud-based mobile devices) to achieve more efficient and automated illicit operations compared to previous technologies. This includes mass registration, large-scale login credential-stuffing attacks, and other activities conducted on a mass scale. Android
20103 Detected risk of running App on Mac Black and gray market activities exploit the automation and tampering features of M chip Macs to carry out related malicious behaviors. iOS
20200 Detected risk of installed multi-instance tools for the device In scenarios like malicious actors create multiple app clones on the same device during marketing campaigns, logging into various accounts, and collabrate to complete the invitation process in order to obtain related promotional rewards. Android
20201 Detected the risk of device being installed with device tampering tools In order to evade detection by risk control tools, cybercriminals may alter certain device information and attributes, such as changing the IMEI and other device identifiers, to avoid being marked by device fingerprinting Android, iOS
20202 Detected the risk of group control/automation tools, enabling large-scale malicious operations Efficiently control multiple devices to perform large-scale operations, such as liking, forwarding, and mass advertising. Android, iOS
20203 Detected the risk of using reverse engineering tools Malicious actors may employ reverse engineering tools to deconstruct the application’s business logic, and subsequently, alter the code. Android, iOS, Web
20204 Detected the risk of using network tampering tools on the device Malicious actors typically exploit such tools to modify networks to achieve their attack objectives, such as evading the tracking and detection of risk control systems at the network identification level. Android, iOS
20205 Detected the risk of using game modification tools Farmers or cheating players may use such tools to cheat in games. Android, iOS
20206 Detected the risk of virtual location Malicious actors often tamper with location information to evade location-based restrictions or simulate human-like movement patterns Android, iOS
20207 Currently in an Android virtual machine environment Malicious actors can create a new virtual environment on Android devices. It supports various automated attacks such as automated ordering automatic upgrades, and automatic follower requests. Android
20210 Currently running in a multi-instance environment Malicious actors can use the device’s built-in clone apps to run multiple instances and facilitate multiple account login and collabrations. Android, iOS
20211 Currently using device modification or risk tools In order to evade detection by risk control tools, black-hat actors may modify certain device information and attributes, such as changing the IMEI and other device identifiers, to escape the marking of device fingerprints. Android
20212 Currently utilizing group control or automation tools Efficiently control multiple devices, enabling scalable operations such as liking, forwarding, and mass advertising Android, iOS
20213 Currently employing reverse engineering and tampering tools The black market may employ reverse engineering tools to analyze the business logic of applications, subsequently tampering with the code. Android
20216 Currently utilizing virtual location tools The black industry often manipulates location information to evade location-based restrictions in operations or falsifies trajectories to simulate genuine human behavior. Android, iOS
20220 Detected risk of device system Multi-Instance Malicious actors exploit system multi-instance to run multiple apps on a single device. Carrying out mass registrations, frequent login brute-force attacks. Android
20300 The device has a low risk of code tampering, this label requires excluding behavior related to self-developed tampering. There is a suspicion of code tampering, which could be indicative of illicit tampering activities, or it may involve developers utilizing tampering techniques during the development process. iOS
20301 Moderate-risk code tampering on the device, possible tampering of code logic. There is code tampering behavior, where malicious actors alter the code logic to attack business API, aiming to achieve certain profit motives. Android, iOS
20302 High-risk of code tampering on the device Engages in high-risk of code tampering activities, employing potentially risky tampering techniques. Android, iOS
20303 There is a risk of information forgery for the device, where the device attributes or fingerprints do not match. Illicit actors may forge certain device information, allowing the current device to masquerade as a new one, thereby circumventing business restrictions and engaging in gray-hat activities. Android, iOS
20400 There is a risk of being debugged, allowing for reverse analysis, cracking, and automated mass control. Typically, black hat actors use debugging techniques for reverse engineering and breaking into APIs, and other scenarios. Android, iOS, Web
20401 The device is in debugging mode or is using a debug version of the application package. This characteristic is often associated with debugging, group control, or hacking activities, and there are cases where inadvertent activation of developer mode by some regular users may also result in a match. Android, iOS
20402 The device is screen sharing. Attackers may deceive users into enabling screen sharing to obtain personal information, ultimately leading to financial loss. iOS
20500 VPN is active on the device When the device activates a VPN, there is a risk of tampering at the network level, allowing evasion of network identification tracking and potential alteration of the network. Android, iOS
20501 Network proxy is active on the device The device engages in network proxy behavior, accessing specified exits through system proxies to evade detection and restrictions imposed by risk control systems. Android, iOS
20600 Jailbreaking activities detected on iOS devices. Jailbreaking an iOS device grants higher privileges, allowing for more advanced manipulation of business operations. iOS
20601 Root behavior detected on Android device Root an Android device grants higher privileges, allowing for more advanced manipulation of business operations. Android
20602 The Android device is utilizing a suspicious custom ROM. Some black and gray market devices are equipped with ROMs customized on the Android Open Source Project, exhibiting strong camouflage capabilities and posing a significant threat to business integrity due to the potential unreliability of the device system. Android
20603 The Android device ROM based on the Android Open Source Project Normal Android devices come with manufacturer-specific native systems, while some illicit devices utilize the Android open-source system, posing a certain level of disruptive risk to business operations; the device’s system risk is considered suspicious. Android
20607 The device’s Bootloader has been unlocked Once the attacker unlocks the Bootloader, its protection mechanisms are easily bypassed, making it easier for malicious software and attackers to gain control of the device. Android
20610 The device system version is too low. Most devices utilized by the majority of illicit activities in the gray-black market are relatively outdated, featuring lower performance and running on older system versions, for example, keeping the system version below Android 9 and iOS 11. Android, iOS
21000 Device detected without inserted SIM card. Devices of legitimate users typically use carrier SIM cards, while cardless devices accessing services often originate from gray or black hat devices walls and device farms. Android, iOS
40001 User ID blacklist The user ID was manually added to the blacklist. Android, iOS, Web
40002 IP blacklist The IP was manually added to the blacklist. Android, iOS, Web
40003 Device fingerprinting blacklist The device fingerprinting was manually added to the blacklist. Android, iOS, Web
60111 User ID whitelist The user ID was manually added to the whitelist. Android, iOS, Web
60112 IP whitelist The IP was manually added to the whitelist. Android, iOS, Web
60113 Device fingerprinting whitelist The device fingerprinting was manually added to the whitelist. Android, iOS, Web
40201 The IP shows malicious cracking or crawling behavior The IP address has a history of malicious hacking or web crawling activities. Android, iOS, Web
40202 IP shows malicious attack behavior The IP address has a history of malicious activities. Android, iOS, Web
40204 IP suspected to be a proxy IP IP suspected to be a proxy IP Android, iOS, Web
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