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We offer our CAPTCHA as WordPress Plugin. The enterprise/personal developer can integrate the CAPTCHA plugin into WordPress Forms.


Install Plugin

To install in WordPress:
  1. Search for geetest in the Plugins Browser while setting up the WordPress site.

  2. Click Install button.

To install the plugin manually:
  1. Download the plugin package in WordPress’s Plugins Center.

  2. Click Download button to download the package.

  3. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/directory

Acquire ID and Key

  1. Visit Dashboard to register an account.
  2. Log in the dashboard and add New CAPTCHA to get the ID and KEY.

Finish Setup

  1. Activate the plugin through “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  2. Enter ID/KEY in the corresponding field then check the box to apply CAPTCHA to the specific scenario.
  3. Setup is finished and you can go to Dashboard to do more configuraion and monitor the data.
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